This blog is primarily written to cover the nascent world of commercial space, as well as the much less nascenty (sic) world of computer software and the Internet.
As a native of Seattle, Washington, Jason also will (probably) blog about aspects of life in the Northwest.
Who is this Jason guy?
Jason Gerend (also known as "me") is a life-long geek and enthusiast of technology. With a Bachelor’s of Science (BS) in Psychology, he is fully qualified to assert that this blog will be (largely) BS-free.
Author and co-author of over 30 computer books, he sold out from being a freelance author and joined his wage-slave brethren working for The Man (BillG). He now shares his sardonic wit and passion for quality with his hapless peers at Microsoft. Don’t come here for a rose-colored or gray view of "the Evil Empire" – Jason is as quick to dispense criticism for his employer as he is to praise it (when well-deserved).
He is working part-time on a non-Microsoft writing project involving commercial space, and will be publishing more thoughts and observations on the industry as the project progresses.
All posts are copyright 2008 by Jason Gerend